Get recognised – Your qualification is important. We distinguish those who are formally registered in our trade. Customers instantly recognise and associate a Carpentry Australia carpenter with our core values of integrity, professionalism and excellence.

Get seen – Instant access to our logo to use to advertise yourself and your business
Get support – We save you time and money by getting you the information you need, fast.
Get up to date – We’ll keep you informed on things that matter to you and your business.
Get ahead ­– We’ll give you access to the tools and resources you need to be the best you can be.
Get involved ­– Win work, network – we’ll keep you engaged with your industry.

All qualified and apprentice carpenters are eligible to become members of Carpentry Australia.


Carpentry Australia Code of Conduct  – We’ve built our reputation on our commitment to promoting and supporting professional, trade qualified carpenters.   Our Code of Conduct governs all members, and allows us to make sure that only the best chippies carry a Carpentry Australia Card.


Carpentry Australia Association Objectives – The objectives we’re striving for in everything we do.

Ready to take your business to the next level?