pricing and features
Introducing our membership pricing and features! With our affordable membership plans, you’ll have access to exclusive perks and benefits.
Enjoy discounts on products, priority customer support, and early access to new releases. Plus, gain access to our members-only community for networking and collaboration. Don’t miss out on the incredible value our membership offers. Sign up today and start enjoying the benefits!
Our Membership packs
Choose the right membership pack for you.
Best for apprentice carpenters.
for your yearly membership
You’ll Get
- A profile to develop evidence and skills for launching upon qualification.
- Access to full range of high-quality Carpentry Australia Workwear store.
- Monthly Newsletter
- Quarterly webinars on specialised topics.
Best for endorsed carpenters.
register as an endorsed Carpenter (Free)
You’ll Get
- Your name and profile image visible on the portal.
- Limited access to member benefits.
Best for those working on wages or newly qualified.
You’ll Get
- Entry level portal access (Third round access to job leads submitted in your area)
- Basic Trades Advice.
- Safety Docs Start-up Pack
- Access to full range of high-quality Carpentry Australia Workwear store.
- Access to Carpentry Australia community events.
- Monthly Newsletter
- Quarterly webinars on specialised topics.
- Suite of sponsorship discounts and deals.
Best for qualified workers with private clients.
You’ll Get
- Mid-level portal access (Second round access to job leads in your area)
- Expert Trades Advice and access to onsite trades advisors.
- Safety Docs Start-up Pack
- Free 2-hour safety consultation
- Access to full range of high-quality Carpentry Australia Workwear store.
- Access to Carpentry Australia community events.
- Monthly Newsletter
- Quarterly webinars on specialised topics.
- Access to apprentice and team building recruitment service.
- Suite of sponsorship discounts and deals.
Best for qualified Chippies and Builders.
You’ll Get
- Full level portal access (First round access to job leads in your area)
- Expert Trades Advice and access to onsite trades advisors.
- Safety Docs Start-up Pack
- Free 2-hour safety consultation
- Access to full range of high-quality Carpentry Australia Workwear store.
- Access to exclusive Carpentry Australia events.
- Access to Carpentry Australia community events.
- Monthly Newsletter
- Quarterly webinars on specialised topics.
- Priority invitation to contribute to Helping Hand Day events.
- Access to apprentice and team building recruitment service.
- Suite of sponsorship discounts and deals.
- Ability to connect with CA Suppliers & get better deals on product.