Working together to maintain high standards

This Code of Conduct has been sanctioned by Carpentry Australia, to define the benchmark of standards for the Carpentry industry.

Through strict regulation according to this Code, Carpentry Australia and its’ members may work together to improve conditions for all.

The Carpentry Australia Logo is recognised as a mark of quality, and the commitment of all members to uphold our key values of integrity, professionalism and excellence.

Members shall:

  1. Recognise the authority of Carpentry Australia in all matters relating to this Code of Conduct.
  2. Consistently strive, where practicable, to promote the values and objectives of this code.
  3. Apply just treatment, respect, and reasonable and honest conduct in the operation of their business, their dealings with Carpentry Australia, member organisations and with the public.
  4. Act honestly in all of their business transactions, avoiding the use of false titles, ambiguous statements and misleading claims in all advertising.
  5. Strive to engage in professional cooperation with other members.
  6. Abide by the laws of the Australian Commonwealth and States within which they operate, especially with regard to Trades Practices and Fair Trading Legislation.
  7. Respect contractual obligations, and not renege on a contract undertaken in good faith without strong reason and sufficient cause.
  8. Not knowingly sign any relevant documents as a qualified practitioner on behalf of an unqualified person, which enable that person to carry out work in the Carpentry Industry.
  9. Strive to safeguard the public from the lack of skilled tradespersons, thus increasing the standing of the Carpentry Industry within the community.
  10. Employ and train apprentices where practical.
  11. Employ and contract to other Carpentry Australia Members, wherever practicable.
  12. Not consciously pay or provide a secret commission, discount or rebate in order to gain advantage over another member.
  13. Endeavour to preserve strong employer-employee relationships, both within their own business and throughout the Carpentry Industry as a whole.
  14. Engage, where possible, in on-going personal or professional skill development to maintain industry currency.
  15. Utilise the Carpentry Australia logo for the purpose of branding, marketing and advertising as much as is practicable.

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